Appeals Court Decision Affects Michigan Condo Developers

MAKOWER ABBATE GUERRA VOLLMER: Michigan Condominium Owners of Units in Incomplete Condominiums Take Note – Significant Court of Appeals Victory Confirms Developers Who Drag Their Feet on Developing a Condominium in Michigan May Lose All Development Rights, Leaving the Undeveloped Land for the Condominium Owners

Elizabeth Trace Condominium Association v American Global Enterprises, Inc.

The condominium association attorneys at Makower Abbate Guerra Wegner Vollmer won a significant published decision relevant to any Michigan condominium established ten or more years ago. Elizabeth Trace Condominium Ass’n v American Global Enterprises, Inc., ___ Mich App ___, No 355243 (2022) is the most recent in a series of Michigan Court of Appeals cases interpreting Section 67 of the Michigan Condominium Act that MAGWV has won on behalf of condominium associations. These victories demonstrate MAGWV’s unparalleled expertise and experience in this field of law..READ MORE

Todd J. Skowronski

Todd J. Skowronski

Makower Abbate Guerra Wegner Vollmer PLLC